Nuix eBook: 10 key considerations for insourcing your eDiscovery practice

Companies around the world spend untold millions on eDiscovery every year, very often using an outdated model that outsources many, if not all, steps of the process. What if there was a way to use cutting edge software to reduce case sizes, shorten time to production, and limit the amount of enterprise data you send out, all in the interest of getting control of your eDiscovery budget?


Using early case assessment techniques, advanced visualizations and analytics, and other methods, you can potentially shave millions  and outsource eDiscovery tasks to providers more strategically, to everyone’s benefit. This eBook lays out some of the biggest considerations you’ll need to keep in mind as you explore the possibilities of insourcing at least some of your eDiscovery activities.

Download the guide here

Nuix creates innovative software that empowers organisations to simply and quickly find the truth from any data in a digital [...]