Osprey’s webinar to discuss how modern law firms can build an agile, digital-first culture

How to build an agile, digital-first culture, which will empower employees and give law firms a competitive edge, is the focus of the panel discussion for the third episode in Osprey Approach’s second series of Build Better Habits webinars.

The event is hosted by Amy Bruce, marketing manager at Osprey Approach, who will be joined by panellists Chris Bull, author of The Agile Law Firm and consultant at Edge International, Joanna Gaudoin, managing director at Inside Out Image, and Lindsey Dewart, practice manager at Thomas Flavell Solicitors.

Amy Bruce said: – “Running a digital-first law firm is about more than just the legal tech tools you decide to implement; it’s about the culture, habits and mindset of your team.

“A common challenge I see across firms is change management and switching team behaviour, which is never easy, no matter the industry you’re in.  That’s why our webinar will focus on becoming an agile firm from a people perspective.

“I’m delighted to be joined by Chris, Joanna, and Lindsey who will share their thoughts, guidance, and best practices on building an effective culture that empowers employees, adopting a digital-first mindset, and creating an agile business to improve long-term success.”

Webinar details: –

Details of the four-part webinar, series two of Build Better Habits, are available here:


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