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Make boardroom meetings simple again with Advanced

When you consider the sheer amount of data required to keep track of an entire law firm, boardroom meetings have become more complex than ever. With matter management, departmental catch-ups, HR and finance concerns and a plethora of other business in between, it can make clear and actionable decision-making difficult. But firms have at their fingertips what they need to be able to make meetings quicker and more impactful. That’s the live data that sits on their systems every day.

Too much information can be overwhelming, and studies show that it negatively impacts long-term memory. If boardroom meetings continue to be this complex, the chances are higher that managers may not be able to analyse the data properly and make decisions.

This is where live data come in. The ability to harness accurate quantitative data offers firms a simplified way of communicating complex data, making boardroom meetings more accessible and clearer decision-making based on hard facts.


By utilising reporting or live dashboards through your software where possible, directors can save time both in report creation and presentation, as well as discussions towards solutions – as the facts are laid out in front of you. This isn’t limited to matter or diary management either. With different software able to highlight time recording, billing, invoice actualisation, holiday days, HR issues, compliance safeguards and much more.

This is particularly advantageous in boardroom meetings to provide these heads-of-department with an opportunity to examine cross-functional data that may otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain such as the overall productivity levels of each department.

Additionally inaccurate data can lead to poor decision-making that can adversely affect the firm. Inaccuracies can happen due to human error or technical glitches. Utilising data can help overcome this challenge by providing real-time data that is updated regularly, giving the board assurance that the information they are basing their decisions on is correct and up-to-date.

Having reports and dashboard means benefiting from real-time data, thereby offering an immediate overview of how the company is performing. Reacting to this data is also necessary and dashboards make it much easier to do so. With access to analytics, company leaders can quickly spot and analyse anything company-related that requires attention and make prompt decisions. Whether it’s anticipating potential HR issues or reacting to sudden system outages, dashboard data empowers companies to proactively and immediately address items that require attention.

Present the data to team members outside the boardroom meetings. Doing so would provide the team with an overview of their own department and keep everyone on the same page. Visual representations of data can be used to encourage understanding and limit the need for everyone to dive into complex analytics. By showing this information, the team can identify areas of strengths and make decisions about improvements and support.

Boardroom meetings must be easy to understand and manageable for leaders to make essential decisions. This is a reliable solution to present data to stakeholders in an organised and understandable format, minimising complexity, and maximising understanding. Using data across different areas of business is paramount and beneficial to the entire company and may reduce excess administration funding.

Setting up reports and dashboards where possible can make all the difference in a company’s boardroom meetings. Leaders can reduce complexity, make better decisions, and better communicate with their teams with the help of digital dashboards. By streamlining boardroom meetings and keeping HR, Finance, Legal Issues, and other areas in a centralised and visible system, company leaders can work together more efficiently, identify areas of improvement, and support their teams. With dashboards, boardroom meetings become powerful tools for the company to grow and improve, making it an essential piece of technology to invest in.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.