
How to fix the top five things that go wrong with law firm CRM – find out more with Promptr CRM

CRM should have fabulous ROI, great adoption, and no complaints over data integrity. However, the reality is often very different…

If you are looking into buying a CRM, we wouldn’t blame you if it seemed a bit confusing.  Maybe you are looking for answers to questions such as “Which is the right CRM for us?” or “What sort of things should I be looking out for?”


Already got one but your CRM is causing more issues than it’s solving. Sadly, you are not alone…

After 25 minutes, you will learn how to solve the top five headaches that all sizes of law firms have with CRM. From choosing the right one, getting the data right, reducing it’s complexity, support and maintenance of it, and boosting low adoption rates.

12:00-12:30, Thursday 18th April

Book your place here

An all-in-one package of: Outlook CRM software + alerts + support + processes + data updating