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Time recording tools for greater profitability – find more with Advanced

Time is not just money, it’s a quantifiable resource, meticulously recorded and analysed. The accurate tracking of billable hours is often a challenge that, when not handled efficiently, can lead to what we call ‘profit leaks’—the unseen but felt drainage of potential earnings. The solution lies in embracing time recording, which not only restore a firm’s lost profits but also pave the way for a streamlined and profitable future.

The profit leak problem

The concept of ‘profit leaks’ in the legal industry is significant. It’s about those unaccounted hours, such as time spent on a call but not included, or that extra research put into a case just for a client’s peace of mind, unpaid because it wasn’t clocked or billed. Such leaks are hard to measure but can be substantial over time.

Identifying the sources of leakage is crucial for any firm looking to plug these financial drains. The results from our Legal Sector Trends Report have shed some light to the main sources of profit leak with 60% of legal professionals saying missing or inaccurate time entries are their biggest form of profit leak, with an additional 25% saying fee discounts make up the biggest portion.

Suboptimal timekeeping processes and tools are often the culprits. Outdated systems are not just inefficient; they’re costly, both in time and lost revenue. With the right tools, leaders within law firms can analyse discrepancies in time reporting, taking control of their financial destiny.

Challenges in capturing time

Imagine a legal professional’s day where every minute is accounted for—a profound aspect of the profession but one that brings with it a significant administrative burden. As mentioned in our Guide to better billing 61% of firms struggle with accurate capture of billable hours, The principal challenge is not the act of tracking time itself but rather the precision and reliability of the recorded data. Traditional methods like manual timesheets or legacy software are prone to human error and, in the procuring of data, can inadvertently lead to underbilling and, therefore, financial loss.

But the challenges go deeper. For large law firms handling multiple clients and complex cases, spanning time across various tasks accurately becomes labyrinthine. Add to this the need to provide evidence of the hours worked, and you have a process that’s not only resource-intensive but also fraught with pitfalls where valuable hours can slip through the cracks, ultimately impacting the firm’s bottom line.

Adopting time recording

Understanding the value of time and managing it effectively is a crucial part of boosting profitability in the legal industry. Advanced’s Time Capture software, Carpe Diem offers a powerful solution to the prevalent problem of profit leaks. By providing a precise, reliable way to track billable hours, these tools ensure that no minute goes unaccounted for, helping law firms maximise their earnings and increase their productivity.

Traditional timekeeping methods often fall short in capturing the full extent of a legal professional’s work. Misplaced minutes here and there might not seem significant in isolation, but collectively, they can result in substantial financial losses. This is where Carpe Diem comes into play, through features and automation in the time capture process, these tools reduce the likelihood of human error and underbilling, ensuring that every second of work is accurately logged and billed.

It’s not just about preventing losses—they’re about unlocking new growth and efficiency. Fee earners spend less time on admin work and keeping track of their different cases and all the time spent on each, then they have more time to spend on delivering exertional legal service. With clear, comprehensive data on how time is spent, law firms can gain valuable insights into their operations. They can identify inefficiencies, streamline workflows, and make informed decisions to optimise their resources. This leads to improved productivity, better client service, and, ultimately, increased profitability.

Time recording tools not only act as a safeguard against profit leaks but also as a catalyst for growth and efficiency within your firm. The key to profitability lies in ensuring that every billable hour is accounted for and not lost to the inefficiencies of traditional timekeeping methods.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.