Howard Kennedy comes up with an innovative “Capacity Solution” by integrating Kim Document and

Howard Kennedy’s Innovative ‘Capacity Solution

Howard Kennedy, the London-based law firm renowned for offering straightforward advice to clients, including entrepreneurial businesses and multinational corporations, recently faced a unique challenge. The Banking and Real Estate Finance team had to significantly increase the number of transactions they could undertake in a limited amount of time. This case study describes how they harnessed innovation to overcome capacity challenges and achieve remarkable results.

Challenges and Objectives:

The Banking and Real Estate Finance team encountered capacity constraints due to manual processes. The need for additional staff or process enhancements was apparent. Their objectives were clear: to optimize operations without hiring more staff and to automate the generation of crucial documents while seamlessly integrating the data into

The Innovative Solution:

Kurt Byrne, a business analyst and the driving force behind this transformation, recognized the importance of addressing the problem. They developed an ingenious solution by collaborating with the fee earners and utilizing existing tools. Kim Document generates 17 essential documents from a single instruction form, drastically reducing time and errors. The integration with streamlines the process even further.

Impressive Results:

The impact of this initiative speaks for itself. Howard Kennedy now completes matters ten days faster than comparable firms. They’ve saved 90 minutes per matter, delegated work to non-fee earning assistants, and efficiently managed higher workloads without increasing staff. Automation eliminates the need for manual data rekeying, and the client account is more profitable and sustainable.

Download the Full Case Study:

Howard Kennedy’s pioneering approach set a new standard for efficiency and client satisfaction. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain insights from their success. Download the case study and discover how a paradigm shift in how work was approached created a scalable solution that can be replicated for other clients and similar work.

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