

Connecting the dots by Doug Hargrove, Advanced Legal

This article was also featured as a column in the February 2016 issue of LPM. To read the issue in full, download LPM.  Over the past 18 months, I’ve noticed a significant change in the internal structure of law firms. As firms experience a change cycle for technology (such as updating IT systems or installing a new practice/case management system) they take […]


Building strategy, Steven Treharne, Mogers Drewett Solicitors

This article was also featured as a column in the February 2016 issue of LPM. To read the issue in full, download LPM.  Without doubt, the biggest and first hurdle to overcome when strategically planning is to accept that lawyers (sometimes) find it difficult to deal with uncertainty, accept risk and support an intangible concept. But once you have them on board, […]


Clean up you act by Barry Davies, Douglas-Jones Mercer Solicitors

This article was also featured as a column in the February 2016 issue of LPM. To read the issue in full, download LPM.  In a recent email discussion with a bank manager, I asked the question: “What level of overdraft are you comfortable with offering a law firm?” I received an instant response saying: “I’m happy to tell you that it’s usually […]


Cheer up, it’s a wonderful DPA by Natasha Rawley, Archive Document Data Storage

This article was also featured as an industry interview in the Februrary 2016 issue of LPM. To read the issue in full, download LPM. My, my, my, who can believe we are one month through 2016 already! I would firstly like to wish all the LPM readers a wonderful and successful 2016. So what are the plans for […]


Law firms, protect thyselves by Janine Parker, Paragon LawSelect

This article was also featured as a column in the Februrary​ 2016 issue of LPM. To read the issue in full, download LPM. For the majority of law firms the compliance burden is one that increases year on year. Outcomes focused regulation puts firms under pressure to prove results without always providing a sufficient framework within which to operate. […]


Somebody else’s problems by Emma Sell, BDBF

This article was also featured as a column in the Februrary​ 2016 issue of LPM. To read the issue in full, download LPM. We all know that ‘difficult’ clients are just part of working in professional services, but there are degrees of what constitutes difficult, and there are degrees to which employees (or partners) are equipped to deal with […]


Alternative mood music by Tony Williams, Jomati Consultants

This article was also featured as a opinion piece in the March 2016 issue of Briefing. To read the issue in full, download Briefing. The first alternative business structure licences were issued back in March 2012. Some firms used the ABS to admit ‘non-lawyers’ – CFOs, CMOs and so on – to partnership, or to add specialists such as tax […]


Counting the cost of courts by Nigel Kidwell, Paragon LawSelect

This blog post was also featured as a column in the March 2016 issue of Legal Practice Management magazine. Substantial increases in court issue fees have remained the subject of press and professional focus. Since March 2015 any claim to a value of between £10,000 and £200,000 attracts an issue fee of 5% of that value. Fees […]


Polly Jeanneret’s HR agony aunt: A year in HR

This article was also featured as a HR agony aunt in the December 2016 issue of LPM. To read the issue in full, download LPM.  Q What was the most shocking event in HR to happen this year? A I can’t believe you’ve asked this: Trump’s election victory, no question. You may wonder what Trump has got to do […]


Polly Jeanneret’s HR agony aunt: Forced festivity?

This article was also featured as a HR agony aunt in the November 2016 issue of LPM. To read the issue in full, download LPM. Q  Senior associate who used to work for us before she left for childcare reasons a couple of years ago has got back in touch – she is keen to come back, […]