Litera announces its 2021 Changing Lawyer Awards

Litera has opened nominations for The Changing Lawyer Awards 2021 as part of the 4th Changing Lawyer Virtual Summit which will take place on 10 November 2021. These awards recognise individuals, firms, and companies in the legal industry for their role in both embracing and driving change through new technology, service models, or behaviour.

“The Changing Lawyer Virtual Summit brings together the legal community to discuss how lawyers, law firms, and legal service providers are adapting to the changing environment,” said Avaneesh Marwaha, CEO of Litera. “The Changing Lawyer Awards program, now in its fourth year, acknowledges members of the legal industry who have implemented change and innovation this past year. We will be announcing the finalists and winners as part of the summit program.”

The Changing Lawyer Awards recognises five distinct categories:

  • The Law Firm of the Year Award for the law firm that has most successfully reimagined the way they serve their clients.
  • The Legal Innovator of the Year for the individual who has driven the most significant change and provided strategic vision within their firm.
  • The Disruptor of the Year Award for the alternative legal service provider or legal tech supplier that has most successfully disrupted the broader legal profession.
  • WFH Creative Award (new this year) for the most innovative way to work remotely; or product/service offering unique to 2021

The deadline for submissions is 12pm CDT on Friday, October 29. Nominations can be submitted through the awards webpage

Litera is the leading provider of workflow, collaboration, and data management solutions for law firms and legal teams globally.