Vin Chauhan at Brady Solicitors discusses how Katchr significantly transformed its finance and business reporting processes

Good data and financial information have always been an integral part of running a business, but in recent years the necessity to pull out business intelligence and management information quickly and drill down into data to gain insights has been on the rise, especially in the legal sector.

Established in 2008, Brady Solicitors continues to focus on being the leading law firm in the property management sector in the UK. It wants to grow consistently and have good financial performance.

One of the things about starting a new law firm, IT director Vin Chauhan says, is that you have a blank slate for brand and expectation.

Brady Solicitors is dedicated to being a client service-oriented firm and transparent in the way it works – which means being transparent to clients but also staff in terms of figures, what they’re used for and how staff can help the business move forward.

“The biggest challenge has always been financial targets, performance management and managing growth. It’s important we get that right and Katchr has helped us to manage that.”

This article was first published in the October 2019 issue of LPM ‘Process apping’ click to read the full article.

Law firm dashboards and analytics transforming your data into an invaluable decision-making tool.