HMLR Digital ID and signatures – all you need to know according to Minerva

The team at Minerva bring to you this panel-led discussion which is set to take the lead on the latest news and information surrounding the Safe Harbour Standard. 

In its document the Land Registry stated that;

‘To reach ‘safe harbour’, the client must hold a form of evidence that can be checked by interrogating cryptographic security features within the evidence. Conveyancers must check that the evidence is genuine. The conveyancer must make sure the biometric information captured from a ‘liveness check’ matches biometric information in the chip within the evidence.’

We have gathered a fabulous panel of industry experts to discuss the contemporary issues in the industry.


Hear direct from HMLR’s Leanne Wright, who works at the heart of customer delivery, housing market analyst Anthony Codling and Grieg Orrelll from Signiflow for an informative and knowledgeful panel discussion.

Up for discussion: 

HMLR – latest update on digital ID and signatures 

Anthony Codling – the state of the housing market as 2020 ends. 

Digital signatures and the importance of cryptographic digital signatures. 

Question time

Don’t miss out register here to attend or to watch on demand.

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