How international law firm Taylor Vinters LLP protects its Android workforce with Lookout and Appurity

Appurity, the cross-platform mobility specialist, today revealed details of its delivery of Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security with Phishing and Content Protection and Modern Endpoint Protection to optimise security across all devices of the international law firm Taylor Vinters.

Taylor Vinters handles a great deal of sensitive information, including corporate intellectual property, client and financial data and personally identifiable information (PII), which is accessible to employees via their work-issued Android smartphones and laptops. The firm’s IT team is responsible for providing employees with video conferencing, web browsing and secure access to a whole host of SaaS delivered applications. It must also support requests for the use of non-traditional apps, to meet client preferences for modern communication tools like WhatsApp and others. These apps have the potential to put Taylor Vinters out of compliance or give bad actors an additional avenue to compromise the firm’s data.

Taylor Vinters’ IT team sought a solution that could help it protect its data and meet regulatory requirements. Appurity, a U.K.-based Lookout Elite channel partner, delivered the Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security Platform with Phishing and Content Protection and Modern Endpoint Protection to optimise security across all Taylor Vinters’ devices. The Lookout platform is purpose-built for mobile devices and protects user privacy by not collecting personal information. By leveraging telemetry from nearly 200 million devices and over 140 million apps, Lookout understands what a mobile threat looks like – it can automatically detect and respond to app, device and network threats.


The benefits of Lookout’s solution include:

  • Anti-phishing secures sensitive data: Lookout Phishing and Content Protection uses AI to automatically stop known and unknown phishing threats.
  • Safeguarding devices and data from advanced malware: By continuously monitoring device and app behaviours, Lookout Modern Endpoint Protection protects Taylor Vinters’ mobile fleet against threats ranging from jailbreaking or rooting a device to advanced device compromise.
  • Ensuring personal applications don’t add risks: Lookout Risk and Compliance provides Taylor Vinters with data from Lookout’s analysis of more than 125 million apps to enforce policies. This means the firm can automate the monitoring to know when an app is introducing risk into their company and take appropriate action.

Steve Sumner, IT Director, Taylor Vinters said: “The freedom to work anywhere comes with risk, so we need to ensure every mobile device our employees touch for work-related matters is secure. With Lookout in place, we now have a best-in-class security platform protecting our mobile workforce as we open up the functionality which modern mobile devices and cloud delivered applications can bring.”

“As law firms have been forced to adapt their way of working to enable their employees to connect seamlessly, ensuring they have secured access to their endpoints is critical. Alongside our partners at Lookout, we’re excited to see the impact this integration has had for Taylor Vinters,” added Steve Whiter, Director, Appurity.

To view the case study in full, visit

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