Intapp: Five factors to consider when evaluating cloud-based legal timekeeping software

When the COVID-19 pandemic prompted professional services firms to adopt hybrid and remote-based workforces, firm leaders realised they would need to quickly migrate to the cloud to better support their lawyers and increase efficiency. Cloud-based legal timekeeping software lets lawyers easily and accurately capture and bill their work from any location. Firms that utilise cloud technology also save money on hardware and management costs; for example, software that runs on the Intapp Platform automatically updates within the cloud. Ultimately, all these improvements increase firm profitability. 

Despite the numerous benefits offered by modern cloud technology, some firm leaders remain hesitant to embrace a cloud-first strategy. Before discarding old tools and processes, professionals must first consider the following five factors to ensure their new cloud-based software meets their firms’ and clients’ needs. Learn how cloud-based automated time tracking software such as Intapp Time addresses the concerns of firms and their legal timekeepers. 

1) Address Threats to Security 

According to Bitglass’ 2020 Cloud Security Report, 66% of surveyed IT and security professionals listed data leakage as their top cloud security concern. Data leakage and breaches can cause numerous issues — including compliance and privacy violations — resulting in damaged client relationships and loss of business. Firms and clients therefore need to know that the platform in which their data is stored offers the highest level of security. 

The Intapp Secure Cloud hosts all our cloud-based solutions on a scalable and secure platform purpose-built for firms’ needs. The Intapp Secure Cloud offers enterprise-grade security that exceeds common regulatory requirements. It also offers mobile accessibility, and features multitenant architecture that supports changes in data volume, traffic, complexity, and usage patterns. 

2) Access Data and Systems 


Firms with on-premises databases are used to directly accessing and extracting data, and have found this capability to be limited when using certain cloud technology. Additionally, firms often build connections between their on-premises databases and other systems, and will need any cloud-based legal timekeeping software they adopt to likewise integrate with these systems. 

Intapp Time — along with all solutions within our Intapp OnePlace suites — provides built-in integrations across the matter lifecycle, and easily connects timekeeping data with key firm systems. All teams can access timekeeping data for scoping and strategic purposes, allowing the firm to increase profitability and determine how to better serve clients. Our Intapp Integration Service also derives insights from analysing data from multiple sources, applications, and devices, helping firms improve their decision-making processes. 

3) Regulate Management and Administration  

In addition to supporting change management efforts, firm leaders must also ensure that they can manage who within the firm has access to certain data and system capabilities. Our Intapp cloud-based solutions allow firm leaders and appropriate team members to maintain control through safe sandbox environments to test, flag, and delay changes as necessary. 

4) Capture Time in the Cloud 

Lawyers have traditionally used an array of manual processes to track and reconstruct their billable and non-billable work. However, this method of timekeeping produces inaccurate, underreported, or even missed time, and doesn’t necessarily take factors like outside counsel guidelines (OCGs) and billing compliance into consideration. 

Intapp Time offers both passive and active time capture to ensure all billable and non-billable work is accurately recorded. Our AI-driven technology also ensures compliance to billing terms at the point of time entry, thereby reducing the risk of write-offs and speeding up the billing process. With real-time and accurate time and effort data integrated across the matter lifecycle, lawyers and firms are always armed with insights into matter activity and progress and, ultimately, greater visibility into the true cost of a matter, allowing firms to stay on budget, maintain strong client relationships, and improve on pricing and resourcing future engagements.  

5) Transition from On-Premises to the Cloud 

Even if your firm is open to implementing cloud-based legal timekeeping software, the implementation process may still seem too daunting. Installing new automated time tracking software is challenging enough, but getting your entire workforce to adopt and use that software adds another layer of complexity. 

Intapp and its network of implementation partners offer implementation serviceschange management services, and training to help your firm easily and successfully deploy new solutions. Partners such as Wilson Allen — which also offers the Wilson Proforma Tracker tool — as well as Aurora North and other highly experienced teams — will collaborate with your stakeholders to ensure your Intapp solution aligns with your firm’s long-term goals and help you meet your business-critical needs. Whether you work with our Intapp services team or an implementation partner, your firm can be confident in a quick time to value and as your firm moves to the cloud, deploys new capabilities, and integrates third-party solutions. 

Want to learn more about migrating to the cloud? Register for our webinar, “Total Time Visibility: Delivering Improved Analytics and Visibility to Lawyers and Finance.”

Schedule a demo to learn how Intapp Time can support your timekeepers and your firm’s cloud strategy.

Learn how our implementation partners can help with your firm’s cloud migration.

Designed for law firms, Intapp provides solutions to supercharge your people, drive growth, manage risk, and deliver client success.