Iridium Technology discuss avoiding errors: Why the law firm CFO must use legal automation software

Automation is becoming so important for law firms today that even the American Bar Association is encouraging more legal professionals to adopt business automation services. Legal automation software makes law firms more efficient, more profitable, and gives attorneys and staff more time to focus on clients by simplifying processes essential to day-to-day operations. Once you discover the many benefits of automating the different processes in your law firm, you’ll realize the rewards of doing so, as well. 


There are a number of repetitive tasks your staff must complete on a daily basis. They produce financial reports, process client intake forms, generate documents, prepare invoices, and more. This not only places a drain on your billable hours every day but can also result in costly errors. A timeslip could be left off of an invoice, or a client intake form could become lost, resulting in the loss of that client. 

Lawfirms, like many other businesses, can run more smoothly and eliminate those costly mistakes through the use of business automation software. This type of software is rule-based, meaning a particular process will follow the same rules every time and fewer mistakes will be made. Ultimately, that allows law firms to retain more of their profits and helps them maintain their competitive edge. 


Eliminating costly mistakes is one of the biggest ways legal automation can help your law firm. However, it can also help satisfy more clients, which increases your bottom line and makes your firm more profitable. Automation allows you to serve more clients at once because you no longer have to process just one client’s file at a time. Instead, your business automation services can process many at once, freeing up your time so you can spend it with your clients. 

Additionally, automation systems are typically a one-time or monthly cost. Regardless of how often that cost is incurred, it is much lower than hiring more staff members to perform those same tasks. Automation software is a “win-win” investment: your firm becomes more profitable while at the same time your clients are receiving higher quality service.


Your law firm is focused on helping clients with whatever situation has arisen in their lives. However, it is still a business and it’s important that you continue to turn a profit.

At Iridium Technology, we can help you streamline your business through better business intelligence software. Our innovative software provides high-performance cubes and dashboards that can provide your firm with a real intelligence solution. If you need to make your firm more efficient, call us today at (+44 203 5143771) or contact us online to learn more about how we can help.

Iridium Technology is now part of BigHand! Helping law firms achieve professional productivity and profitability.