Litera webinar: What will hackers do to your firm when they get in? 16 June at 11am

Nancy Walker, Customer Success Manager; Blerina Halili; Endrine Rafuna; All from Prosperoware, Part of the Litera Family

About this talk

The past couple years have seen an explosive growth in the modern landscape of hybrid work as organisations invest in new technologies to help them grapple with this changing environment.

But if your organisation hasn’t invested in the proper security and data protection policies, you may be at risk of a cyberattack.

Register for this Data Protection webinar where we’ll teach you how to:

  • Create data loss strategies to prevent data loss incidents
  • Plan for data archival to aid recovery in case of attack
  • Successfully implement data protection policies across all your collaboration systems (Microsoft 365, SharePoint Online, Teams, iManage, etc.)
  • Deploy technology to streamline data protection efforts.

Who Should Attend:

  • C-Level Leadership
  • Information and Technology (IT) professionals
  • Risk and Compliance professionals
  • Knowledge Managers

Click here for free registration

Litera is the leading provider of workflow, collaboration, and data management solutions for law firms and legal teams globally.