Payescape’s suggestions of must-have payroll features for your law firm

Payroll isn’t getting any easier – with evolving regulations and updates from HMRC, payroll is only getting more complicated. If your team is struggling to maintain compliance, or if you’re still using manual processes or spreadsheets to manage payroll, there’s a better way. Here are a few payroll features you shouldn’t be without:

Everyone talks about cloud technology, but when it comes to payroll, using a cloud-based system is vital to operations. Your payroll team can automate employee payroll, file directly with HMRC and ensure compliance with payroll-related requirements in real-time. Employees have access to self-service portals to make changes to personal or bank details, saving your team time from manual changes and updates.


Payroll reporting is a must-have for payroll teams. Running customized reports that allow you to view payroll costs in real-time is vital to catching errors, fraud, and other mistakes that can lead to compliance fines and penalties. Your payroll technology should allow you to run reports after each payroll and create customized reports for your specific queries.

Does your payroll system give you access to compliance experts when you have questions? Your payroll software should provide service features that allow you to speak with CIPP-certified experts so you are confident your payroll is in compliance with the latest legislation related to payroll.

Payroll doesn’t have to be complicated – your payroll software should reduce the burden on your team and help you simplify the process. There is a better way to manage payroll – let your software do the heavy lifting! Talk to us today about simplifying your payroll with our cloud-based technology, customized reporting, integration with HR and Time management, and our CIPP-certified team. Click here to learn more

Payescape is one of the UK’s fastest growing payroll providers. We combine superior web based technology with world-class service.